Norbert PetkiComment

Fresh Pasta with Ricotta, Sour Cream and Bacon (Speck) - (Turos Csusza)

Norbert PetkiComment
Fresh Pasta with Ricotta, Sour Cream and Bacon (Speck) - (Turos Csusza)

Traditional hungarian pasta dish, originates from the country side, where all ingredients were easily available from the farm.

For the pasta, I have used 8 fresh eggs that we collected this morning from our backyard free range chickens. 

Measured 500g Italian 00 flour.

To 4 whole eggs I have cracked another four, but only used the yolks. To this I have added a teaspoon of sea salt and two tablespoon of olive oil. Please do not add water. 

Mix well till all well combined to a semi hard dough. Roll the dough to a thick sausage shape, and divide it up to approx 6 portions.  

Let the dough rest in the fridge covered with foil for 30minutes.  

Use your pasta maker to roll them to thin sheets. I have used my pizza cutter wheel to cut them up to approx 25x25mm square shapes. I have ended up with some bigger some smaller shapes, but dont worry, this is the uniqueness of the home made pasta, that commercially difficult to produce. :))

Dust the square cuts well with flour so they dont stick, then cook in a boiling water for about 3-4 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water, otherwise they continue to cook and stick together. Pour the pasta from the colander to a tray, and drizzle wih light olive oil to further prevent sticking together. 

Use fresh ricotta cheez and farm fresh sour cream to serve.

In hungary we have a so called white speck, wich is pork fat well smoked. You can buy these in special deli shops in Australia, or if you must, can be substituted with bacon. I used the speck crisped in a pan. Spread some of this crispy speck on the top of the ricotta and sour cream, maybe a tablespoon of some of the fat, and you are ready to enjoy this great hungarian meal. 

I recommend finding some white speck, as it does make this dish quite unique, and tasty.

Enjoy!  / Jo etvagyat!