Norbert PetkiComment

German Rye Sourdough

Norbert PetkiComment
German Rye Sourdough

Something similar, but with a difference. German rye sourdough with a spice of carraway seed. 

You see this bread in many parts of Europe, but very popular in Austria and Germany. Heavy and rich bread, with still maintaining elasticity with a good starter, and the combination of organic wholemeal and standard rye flour. 


100g organic Wholemeal Rye Flour

100g standard Rye Flour

300g Bakers White Flour

150g Rye Starter

40g Molasses

5g Carraway Seed

2g Anise Seed

15g Salt

Zest of 1 orange

450g Water (approx)


Mix the ingredients together in a bowl. Let it rest for 10 hours. Shape for a banetton to proof further. Put it in the fridge for about 20hours. 

Remove dough from the banetton, and scar with a blade.

Bake in a duch oven with lid on for 20minutes on max oven temperature (350c). After 20min remove the lid and bake for a further 40minutes. 

Wait for at least one hour before slicing.