Home Made Greek Pita Bread

Home Made Greek Pita Bread

Here is a super easy home made Pita bread. Don’t need the oven, just a pan with a lid. Serve with your favourite greek dips or Souvlaki!


500g All Purpose Flour - (you can use 300g Bakers Flour with 200g Double Zero flour)

About 350g lukewarm Water

2-3 Tea-spoon Dry Instant Yeast

1 Tea-spoon Salt

1 Tea-spoon Sugar

Half Tablespoon Olive Oil

Mix the dry ingredients together one after another.

Add the water, use more or less depending on your flour.

Make a slightly sticky dough, mine came to be around 840g.

Rest the dough for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Divide the dough to 6 equal pieces (approx 140g each)

Form small balls, and let it rest for 20 minutes.

After resting, roll them out to a thin round shape, use some flour for dusting if needed, but don’t over flour.

Heat a non stick or cast iron pan on the stove top. I used a 26cm pan.

Use some olive oil to oil your pan, and when the pan is hot, place the rolled pita in the pan and cover with the lid.

Use medium to low temperature on the stove settings.

After about 2-3 minutes remove the lid and turn the pita upside down, put the lid back on, cook the other side for about a minute or two.

Remove the pita from the pan when ready, if desired sprinkle with some olive oil.

End result should be a soft bread with slight burn marks.

Enjoy with greek dips or with your souvlaki!