Norbert PetkiComment

Mousse au Chocolat

Norbert PetkiComment
Mousse au Chocolat

Traditional french chocolate mousse. Quick and easy to make, and pleases a lot of people.

You will need: 

180g couverture dark chocolate - these are cooking chocolates, but please use a good quality one like 70% Lindt dark, or Callebaut belgian choc.  The quality of the chocolate you use will show up in the finished product. (I guess it is true in most dishes). 

100g Cream (heavy)

6 eggs  - separated - yolk/whites

60g Sugar (I like to use organic non refined) 

Melt the chocolate - there are a few ways to melt them, here I explain the microwave method, but you can do it over hot water as well.  

The trick is to do it slowly. Break up the chocolate to small pieces, and put them into a glass microwave safe bowl. Make sure the bowl is dry, do not add any water. Heat it in the micro for 20sec full power, then take it out and stir. Put it back for 10seconds, take it out and stir. Repeat this till you see the chocolate is melted, nice and smooth consistency and warm but not hot.  

Stir in the cream, and one by one the egg yolks. 

Beat the egg whites, when half beaten, gradually add the sugar till it is stiff.  

Mix quarter of the beaten egg whites with the chocolate mix, then gently fold in the rest of the egg whites. Do not worry, if the whites not complately combined with the choc.

Spoon the mixture into desired glasses or one big glass bowl.  

I have added some Savoiardi (baby finger sponge)  to the mousse, but its not necessary. 

Optional also (and popular) to add some Cointreau liquor to the mix (before you add the eggwhites).  

Enjoy & Bon Appetit! 



