Norbert PetkiComment

Gerbeaud Slice (Zserbo Szelet)

Norbert PetkiComment
Gerbeaud Slice (Zserbo Szelet)

"Gerbeaud" (Zserbo in Hungarian) is perhaps the best known pastry in Hungary and has a history of 125 years. The slice originated from the legendary Gerbeaud Cafe in the heart of Budapest, Hungary, one of the most traditional and famous cafe-confectioners in Europe. It is baked for celebrations and special occasions such as birthdays and weddings. The word "Gerbeaud" is never translated as it 'understood' that if you order it at the Gerbeaud Cafe you will know what it is. It is made up of thin, tender layers of sweet yeast dough alternating with ground walnuts and rich apricot jam.

This slice is not the easiest to make. I used a 19x32cm pan. For the dough I have used 600g plain flour, 300g butter, 60g white sugar, 3 egg yolks, 100ml milk, pinch of salt, 24g fresh yeast, 3g baking powder. 

For the filling I have used 300g white sugar, 700g ground walnut, 2 lemon zested,

You will also need 5-6 cup good quality apricot jam.

For the topping i used 400g of good quality dark chocolate like Lindt or Callebaut. To this add 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

You mix the dough ingredients together, the dough should be about 1150g, and you divide it to 5 equal portions of about 230g each. Refrigerate for 10 minutes covered with glad wrap. After resting, roll out each dough to the size of your pan. You might need to use a baking paper to be able to transfer the thin dough to the pan. Spread apricot jam and walnut on the pastry in the pan, and repeat with each pastry sheet finishing with a clear sheet of pastry. Bake in the oven 180c for 45-50minutes. Let it cool down, and turn it out upside down onto a tray. Cover the top with the melted chocolate and refrigerate overnight. The longer it stands the better it gets, of course if you can wait that long!



Zserbo Szelet.JPG