Norbert PetkiComment

Potato and Pumkin Seed Crusty Bread

Norbert PetkiComment
Potato and Pumkin Seed Crusty Bread

One main thing that i miss here in Australia is the Hungarian Bread. The bread in Hungary is made with a strong flour called BL55. The bread industry here in Australia has come a long way, like 20 or so years ago there were only the classic square bread available, now there are great improvements as far as variety. Bakeries started copying the classic "pane di casa" Italian bread, and than came the sourdough. The issue i have with (and mainly speaking here with the franchised bakeries) they produce bread strictly for profit margin. When you buy a bread from them, sure enough it has no preservatives like the supermarket bread, but try having it after 24hours. They either get mouldy or dry out. They want you to buy their product every day. The other issue is they sell bread by the piece not by the weight, so if they pump it up with improvers they use less flour and you thing the bread is good value. I like the bread that has weight, texture and crust. You know the weight what you are getting for your buck.

Now being motivated to make good bread, tonight i made a potato and pumkin seed crusty bread. The method is easy, you need to activate the fresh yeast with warm milk bit of sugar and some flour. Once it is risen, you pour it into the bowl that has 600g bread flour, olive oil, salt, 2 medium size potato cooked with skin on then pealed and mashed gently, and a cup of pumkin seed. Knead for 20 minutes, add more flour if needed. Let it stand for an hour, then knead it gently again and form the bread. Brush it with salty water and let it stand while the oven heats up to 200c, and bake for 30-35 minutes. My bread ended up to be 1.3kg after baking.


Potato and pumkinseed bread.JPG
Pumkin and Potato Bread Cut.JPG