Norbert PetkiComment

Long Breadroll for Sunday Breakfast (Hazi Kifli)

Norbert PetkiComment
Long Breadroll for Sunday Breakfast (Hazi Kifli)

This is another traditional Hungarian bread roll that is very popular and widely available in the grocery stores and bakeries in Hungary. Normally is eaten for breakfast and morning or afternoon tea (and in between). Relatively easy to make simple bread dough with milk.

You need 500g bakers flour, 250ml milk, fresh yeast (or dry, but there never used to be dry yeast in the olden days). Add 30g butter, 1.5 teaspoon sugar and the same salt.

You need to cultivate the yeast in warm milk with some sugar and flour till expands. Add this to the previously mixed ingredients and knead. Divide dough into two portions, you should end up with two 500g dough. Roll each dough into a round shape about 2mm thick. Divide each square into four quarters, and roll up the quarters individually from the wide side toward the narrow side. Put them on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Brush them with warm milk. It is optional to wait 30-60minutes till they rise up. It depends on if you want them more or less dense. I have waited about 45minutes for mine. Cook in the oven on 200c for about 20minutes. Let them cool down. Serve them cut in half horizontally, spread on some butter and sprinkle with salt. Delicious to dip them into your cup of hot chocolate as some Hungarians do. Enjoy!



Kifli keszites.png