Norbert PetkiComment

Marble Cake

Norbert PetkiComment
Marble Cake

A marble cake is a cake with a streaked or mottled appearance achieved by very lightly blending light and dark batter. It can be a mixture of vanilla and chocolate cake, in which case it is mainly vanilla, with streaks of chocolate.


200g Sugar

150g Soft Butter at room temperature

Butter to spread

2 pinch of Salt

4 Whole Eggs at room temperature

2 Tablespoon of alcohol of choice - I used Amaretto, but Rum is ok.

250g Plain Flour

50g Almond Meal (you can substitute this with flour)

1 Lemon Zest (optional)

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

200g Sour Cream

12g Baking Powder

15g Cocoa Powder - for the third of the mix

Butter the Kugelhopf tin and dust with flour.

Mix the sugar and the butter with a mixer, and add the whole eggs gradually one by one stirring after each egg.

Add the remaining ingredients, except the Cocoa.

Take the third of the mixture out, and mix in the cocoa powder.

Spoon few spoon full of the vanilla mixture into the bottom of the baking tin, then alternatively drop a spoon full of each mixture (the cocoa and vanilla) into the tin until all mixtures are used. Try to finish with the vanilla mixture.

Bake it in the preheated oven 180c oven for 40minutes.

Let it cool on a wire rack.
