Norbert PetkiComment


Norbert PetkiComment

Great companion for soup, or just as a side bread on the dinner table. 

I have used 600g Bakers Flour, 15g salt, 20g fresh yeast, 2 tablespoon of sourdough starter (can be left out), 3 tablespoon olive oil, and 400ml water.  

The water amount will make this bread very runny, but at the end will work out fine.  

Work the dough with your fingers to add air into the dough. Rest for one hour, work it again, and rest for another hour. Pour it onto the table, sprinkle with flour, and with oily hands, fold in the outside towards the middle. Keep doing this a few times. Shape the flatbread on a baking tray as desired. Sprinkle with nigella seed, sesame seed, some oregano or herb, maybe some pumkin seed. 

Cook in a 200c oven for 20-30 minutes.