Norbert PetkiComment

Naturally Leavened (yeast free) Country Bread

Norbert PetkiComment
Naturally Leavened (yeast free) Country Bread

When I used to live in Budapest in my younger years, I lived in Pest in Flat in an old building. On the basement of that house there was a traditional bakery operating. When I was coming home after a late shift, i could smell the fresh bread from a distance. That smell never left my noose, and allways remembered that. Years (many) has passed, have eaten nice breads, but that smell...havent had that since...but... Today with the use of my home made natural leaven, using the basic ingredients, flour and water and salt, I was able to reproduce that exact smell of a fresh natural bread. I am very happy! Now here is how its done:

Need: 600g flour (bakers, but today i used plain), 400g filtered water, 200g leaven starter,  13-15g salt.  You will need more flour for the kneading.

In a bowl combine the water with the starter, add this to the flour and mix well. Rest it for 30min. Use the whats called the “slap and fold” method, where you slap the dough on the table, and fold it. Do this for 10minutes. After this comes the “strech and fold” method where you instead of slapping you strech the dough out and fold it. Use flour and do this till the dough feels right consistency. In a bowl place a kitchen towel and dust it with flour, place the rounded dough in, and let it rest in the fridge overnight. In the morning put your dutch oven with lid into the oven, and turn it on to the max setting. Once hot, place dough into the dutch oven and with a razor blade or very sharp knife make cuts on the top of the dough. Cover withlid and bake for 20minutes covered. Then take the lid off, turn temperature down to 180-200c and bake without the lid for a further 20minutes. Rest it on a wire rack, resist slicing it up till cools down. Enjoy!
